Introduction to Custom Clip Feature
“Custom Clips” is one of the key new features introduced in KinkBomb version 3.0, offering studios and fans a streamlined, intuitive custom clip order process.
In the following guide we will go over main custom clip feature benefits, detailed instructions on how to set up custom clip functionality and make it available to your fans, outline the custom clip order process, communications and payments and concluded with an overview of the reporting system.
Custom Clip Feature Benefits
Tell your customers ahead of time exactly what types of clips you are willing to make
Set a base minimum price for your clips based on clip type, clip length, and “add on” features
Both Studio and Customer can be assured of payment as Kinkbomb acts as an escrow service for the custom clip order
Negotiate back and forth with your customers until you have the right video at the right price
Options and Settings
Accessing Custom Clip Settings
Studios can access, activate and modify their “Custom Clip” feature setting from the StudioZone section of their KinkBomb account, by going to Custom Clips > SettingsCustom Clip Activation and Placement
If you would like to offer your fans the custom clip service, you can activate this feature on the Custom Clip Settings page by checking the “Enabled” check box in the “Custom clip requests” field.
Once activated by the studio, the “Custom Clip” option is featured prominently in two positions on the studio profile page: as the first thumbnail in the Featured Clips swimlane on the “Watch Me” tab, and as a separate “Custom Clip” tab. A fan clicking on either the tab or the thumbnail will be taken to the custom clip order page, located at
Clip Categories and Category Base Price
Studios can specify what categories they are willing to make custom clips in, and set separate minimum (base) price for each. Any general clip category on the KinkBomb site can be selected. Once selected, the new category is added with the base price of $0. You need to change this price to the minimum price you are willing to charge for a custom clip in that category. Please note that there several additional price modifiers you can set, which we will explore below. The base price is the absolute minimum you will charge a fan, but most of your custom clips will be charged higher after you’ve added further price modifiers. Please note: you need to click save at the bottom of the page for any changes to take effect. To remove a category, simply click the “-” icon to the left of each category.
Once you’ve added a new category, set a base price and saved your changes, the new category will appear as an option in the “Select a category” drop-down list on the custom clip order form.
Clip Video Length and Length Price Multiplier
Add-ons and Extras
In the last field on the settings page you can add any additional extra items you would like to offer your fans, such as particular acts, props or any element that might be included in the custom clip. Simply enter the name of the item, specify the price and click “Add item”, then click “Save” below.
Once you added and saved a new item, it will be displayed to and available for purchase by your fans on the custom clip order form.
Tips and Notes
Order, Negotiations, Payment and Fulfillment
Order placement
Once your fan fills out the custom clip order form and clicks submit, the total amount of the order will be withdrawn from his Kinkbux account and transferred to the KinkBomb escrow account, to be held there until you fulfill the order. If the customer doesn’t have sufficient Kinkbux in his account, he will be required to load his kinkbux balance by credit card or BitCoin.
Once sufficient funds have been deposited and the total amount deposited in Kinkbomb escrow account, the fan will be presented with a confirmation message, and you will receive a notification of the new custom clip order.
You can access the new custom clip order details by going to the StudioZone > Custom Clips > Orders. The status of the new order will be set to “Awaiting studio” until your reply to or accept this order. Please note: you must reply within 7 days of receiving the new custom clip order. If you have not replied to this order within 7 days of receipt, the fans payment will be returned to him in full and the order cancelled.
Price negotiation
If a fan made a request in the custom clip order notes that requires extra fees to fulfill, you can reply with an explanation and request an extra fee.
On the custom clip requests page (StudioZone > Custom clips > Orders), click on the row corresponding to the new order to access order details page. On the order detail page, enter your reply in the “Send Message” field, responding to the fan’s note and specifying the extra fee, and click “Reply”.
The fan will be notified of your reply and will have the option to respond to your comment and add the extra fee you requested as a tip.
The studio and the fan can continue negotiation until both parties are satisfied with the terms and order amount. For the purposes of this guide, we will assume the fan has accepted the studio’s conditions and added the requested $50.
Order acceptance
Once the fan added indicated amount as a tip, or if you were satisfied with the initial order’s terms and price, you can accept the order by going to the order detail page and clicking “Accept” at the bottom of the page.
The fan will be notified that you have accepted the order and the order status will change to “Accepted”. Please note that you have to deliver the custom clip within 14 days of accepting the order, or the fan’s payment will be returned to him in full.
Order fulfilment
Once you have created the custom clip, simply upload it via the Video Uploader on the Media page of the Product section of StudioZone and create a new product with the status “Customclip”. Then navigate to the custom clip order detail page, scroll down to the bottom of the page, select the custom clip from the “Attach media product” drop down list and click complete request.
The order will be marked “Complete”, the fan will receive a notification with a link to download the custom clip, and the order amount will be released from escrow and deposited into your account.