The following steps will enable cookies in chrome. Just click on your corresponding version and follow the step by step instructions.
Chrome 12+ | Chrome 10 - 11 | Chrome 3 - 9
To get your browser version click the spanner icon in the top right and then click About google chrome
Chrome versions 12+
- Click the "Spanner" icon in the top right of the browser window:
- Click Settings
- On the bottom of the page, click the link that says "Show advanced settings"
- Click on the button "Content settings..."
- You now have two options:
- In the section titled "Cookies" click the button "Block sites from setting any data"
- Click the button "Manage exceptions..."
- In the column titled "Pattern" type into the text box
- In the column titled "Action" click the button "Allow"
Automatic cookie handling (recommended)
- In the section titled "Cookies" select the option "Allow local data to be set (recommended)"
Add exceptions manually
Chrome versions 10 - 11
- Click the "Spanner" icon in the top right of the browser window:
- Click Options
- On the left side of the browser window click "Under the Hood"
- In the section titled "Privacy" click the button "Content settings..."
- You now have two options:
- In the section titled "Cookies" select the option "Allow local data to be set"
- In the section titled "Cookies" click the button "Block sites from setting any data"
- Click the button "Manage exceptions..."
- In the column titled "Pattern" type into the text box
- In the column titled "Action" click the button "Allow"
Automatic cookie handling (recommended)
Add exceptions manually
Chrome versions 3 - 9
- Click the "Spanner" icon in the top right of the browser window:
- Click Options
- Change to the "Under the Hood" tab.
- Scroll down until you see "Cookie settings:".
- Set this to "Allow all cookies":